Green Habits for Children
The proverb “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks (Ağaç yaş iken eğilir)” is indeed true. Acquiring the right habits as a child plays an important role in the protection of future generations by being passed on to new generations throughout life.
In these days when we need to embrace our world and nature, the correct information we will give our children about nature will instill environmental awareness and responsibility in them. There are three topics that we can convey to our children in order to protect our environment.

To give children this habit, do not leave computers, tablets and televisions on charge by turning them off at certain times. Always turn off the light when leaving the room. To avoid wasting water unnecessarily, keep the water off while brushing your teeth from the first time you start to get into the habit of brushing your teeth. Separate your garbage into paper, glass and plastic. You can prepare these and similar applications in front of your children as a conscious individual for the future.
Plan Fun Activities
Organize fun activities in which your child can learn to recognize and value nature.

Have them grow their own flowers and plants in your garden, balcony or even inside of the home. Plant the plants in a flowerpot you bought for him and don’t be afraid to give him the responsibility. Plant a sapling in your garden or in your apartment garden. Visiting this sapling at regular intervals and seeing it grow will make an extremely important contribution to the formation of your child’s environmental awareness.